
Day at Dilli Haat

Before I say anything else, this post is quite different from what I’ve been posting so far. The reason is that when I started this blog, I wanted to explore my city, New Delhi, a lot more and record whatever arty stuff I could find. And what better place to start than Dilli Haat?

Dilli Haat is one of the most interesting places in Delhi as it hosts various fairs and events (the Comic Con was held here recently). Craftsmen from all over the country come here and set up stalls from where you can buy their crafts. Last time I went, I decided to take a few pictures, which is unusual for me because I’m not a very good photographer (please bear with me) but I wanted to share some of the lovely things I saw.

Apologizing in advance for my photography skills…

These were some necklaces hanging in one of the jewellery stalls.











I really liked the pattern these belts made hanging there together.










I saw these small, cute iron bicycles.The shop I saw these in also had small wooden vintage cars but sadli, I couldn't get a proper picture of them.













Cute weaver bird decorations!












Anklets in the Rajasthani nomadic stall. I love the colours against the red background.












Teapots at the Manipuri stall. I fell in love with these...












This shop fascinated me. It reminded me of some secret underground antique shop which probably had little pixies or genies lurking around... I wonder what it will look like at night...















Earrings. I bought the black bell-shaped pairs (called 'jhumkas')













Hope you liked them!